They said it couldn’t be done. They said we were crazy.
I am beyond thrilled to announce that we did it! It’s official! Costco is now open where the old Peach Tree Mall location was in Linda!
THANK YOU to each one of the 1200 local residents who signed my petition to support this project. Thank you for your faith and support.
Thank you to the developer for your perseverance, and thank you to our Yuba County staff for their fantastic customer service and their YES to business positive attitude.
I am Andy Vasquez, and it’s a true honor to serve as your Yuba County Supervisor.
I strive every day to make Linda bigger and better, and we sure did it today!
Spread the word, Costco is here!

Former Reserve Sheriff Deputy
Small Business Owner
I am a Vietnam Veteran, former Reserve Yuba County Sheriff Deputy, and a small business owner. I am honored to serve as your Supervisor!
Since I’ve taken office, we trimmed all departments, and maintained a balanced budget every single year.
I’m proud to report you are now protected by one of the best levee systems in the entire country. We’ve completed a record number of road repairs, and North Beale Road now has curbs, gutters and sidewalks. To encourage jobs, we’ve created the “Yes to Yuba” campaign and streamlined the building permit process.
I love our Linda and Edgewater communities! I’ve organized many community clean-up days, removed 500 tons of garbage and returned hundreds of shopping carts to local stores.
My top priority is public safety. Our state is in crisis, releasing thousands of criminals onto our streets and vagrants are out of control. We need to make sure we have enough officers to protect lives and property. Through our local Measure K funds, by the end of this year, we will have already put $11 million towards public safety and fire.
My wife Jeannie and I have five children and five grandchildren.
Linda progress! Vote Andy Vasquez for Supervisor!
Contact me at 870-7509 if you'd like to discuss any issues.
- Andy
Call or Text: (530) 870-7509
Click the graphic to view my recent mailer, a summary of District 1 projects
Click the map to download a PDF of current South Yuba County Developments
Click the map to download our new District 1 map
ROAD REPAIR Completed a record number of repairs!
NORTH BEALE ROAD Leveraged Yuba Water Agency funds to complete curbs, gutters and sidewalks.
PUBLIC SAFETY Doing what the voters wanted! $11 Million from Measure K sales tax funds already given to Sheriff & Fire.
COSTCO! I’m currently working with the developer and County officials to bring Costco to the old Peach Tree Mall location!
HOUSING A record number of new homes being built, including NINE subdivisions just in our Linda/Edgewater district.
INTERNET Completed a Yuba County Master Plan for expanding affordable, powerful broadband internet.
COUNTY BUDGET Maintained a balanced budget each year.
HOMELESS Launched 14 Forward, and two hotel-
conversions for transitional housing for people who want help. Started a bi-county partnership with Sutter County. -
FLOOD PROTECTION Yuba County now has one of the BEST levee systems in the entire
United States! -
New Sheriff's Department facility
Obtained a multi-million dollar grant to improve medical and mental health services at the Yuba County Jail
Streamlined the County's building permit process and totally eliminated many fees altogether
Organized many Linda community clean-up days
Removed over 500 tons of garbage and returned hundreds of shopping carts to local stores
Completed the transition of the power plant from PG&E to the Yuba County Water Agency! This new funding source has already been used for hundreds of County projects, including road repair, fixing Ellis Lake and funding new rescue equipment.

Joan Saunders (Andy's opponent last election)
Aime Juarez
Alberto Juarez
Alejandra Sandoval
Alekisio Pooi
Alexandrea Wiezorek
Alicia Celedon
Aliesha Torres
Ally Lutz
Almira Bausley
Amanda Ward
Amandeep Singh
Amanjot Sidhu
Amaya Singh
Amelia Rasilau
Amn Bogdanoff
Amy Rooney
Amy Xiong
Ana Mejia
Andres Cachu
Andres Guerrero
Angel Hafelfinger
Angelique Bird
Angie Bucio
Anita Toche
Anna Diaz
Annalese Lee
Anthony Hafelfinger
Araceli Rodriguez
Aracely Magana
Arthur Perez
Ashley Dent
Ashley Franklin
Ashley Thao
Ashlyn Hill
Asunta Dao Presson
Autumn Spencer
Barbara Mejia
Bella Millan
Benjamin Everett
Benjamin Silva
Blanca Lopez
Bobby Thao
Bonnie Adams
Bonnie Milligan
Brandon Klagenberg
Brenda Trejo Padilla
Brian Fernandez
Brianda Ojeda
Cameron Knudson
Carina Devaughn
Carlos Diaz
Carmen Crawford
Carolyn Tindel
Carolyn Tindel
Cassandra Campbell
Chao Her
Chazz Rodriguez
Cheng Her
Chloe York Custer
Cho Cha
Chris Overton
Christina Robinson
Christine Barber
Cindy Clark
Cindy Miller
Cintia Orozco
Claudia Cano
Connie Felix
Cori Hill
Craig Hartsough
Crystal Maldonado
Cuevas Natalie
Daizia Scharff
Daniel Brown
Daniel Springer
David Moore
David Shorb
Dawn Wick
Dayna Davidson
Deanna Parks
Debbie Olveta
Deborah Rohlfing
Deborah Sanchez
Deborah Satterfield
Debra Inglerock
Delaine Mendez
Derek Cope
Destiny Lander
Diana Barry
Diana Clemensen
Diana Marlowe
Donald Owens
Donna Rodriguez
Eddie Isip
Eden Garcia
Edgar Reponte
Efrain Fonseca
Efriem Flores
Elena Damian
Elisa Porcayo
Elisabeth Arce
Elissa Burchard
Elizabeth DeLay
Ember Houston
Emmalou Baca
Emree Hodnett
Erendira Erendira
Eric Davis
Eric Fultz
Erika Hernandez
Ernie Rodriguez
Felicia Mayo
Francisco Aguirre
Frank Hall
Fue Thao
Gabriela Oseguera
Gary Campbell
Gary Weir
Gary Weir
Gayliene Cole
Georgina Gallardo
Gerald Coleman
Glenn Acosta
Gloria Elias Flores
Grabowski Amy
Griselda Ceballos
Gurjot Singh
Gursharan Kaur
Hannah Haefner
Holly Mcfadyen
Hope Van Dorn
Indy Coleman
Ingrid Nolan
Ingrid Suarez
Irene Gonzalez
Isabel Angulo
Jacklyn Orozco
Jacqueline Montes
Jagmail Singh
Jaime Lopez Gonzalez
Jaime Smith
James Brosman
James Jory
James Statham
James Welch
Jamie Fry
Jamie Ries
Jan Romero
Janeice Johnson
Janet Dossey-Barton
Jasbir Kaur
Jaskaran Singh
Jasmin Barriga
Jason Haag
Jason Newbery
Jasvir Maan
Jayedene Chesini
Jazmin Quezada
Jean Guerrero
Jeanne Caramico
Jeannette Newcomb
Jeffrey Futch
Jennie Hang
Jennifer Gilman
Jenny Cavaliere
Jerry Wallis
Jesica Boren
Jessica Pinedo
Jessica Velez
Jesus Cervantes
Ji Thao
Joe Miller
John Bright
John Shaw
Johnnie Wyatt
Jorge Rodriguez
Jorge Urbina
Jose Colin
Jose Cordova
Jose Vasquez
Joseph Shelton
Josh Wofford
Joshua Thao
Joyce Blevins
Juan Garcia
Juan Luna Zuniga
Juan Villanueva
Juanita Magana
Judy Wilcox
Justin Carlier
Kaelyn Smith
Kaitlin Dehart
Karleen Lueras
Katelyn Sorum
Katherine Hall
Kathia Dubray
Kathleen Vlahos
Kathy Benningfield
Katrina Rodriguez
Kaydince Halls
Kayla Hicks
Keith Whitaker
Kennedy Walker
Kimberly Crowser
Korrin Shawles
Krishell Aflague
Kristi Marlowe
Lani King
Larrah Bacani
Laura Gutierrez
Laura Jones
Laura York
Lee Her
Lee Michalek
Lena Lutz
Lenora Chavez Zavala
Lisa Kitchell
Lisa Marks
Llesica Garcia Vasquez
Lore Finley
Lucinda Chavez
Luisa Collazo
Lupita Gudino
Mackenzie Reece
Madala Vang
Madelyn Wentworth
Mailena Lo
Malina Vue
Margaret Silafau Pooi
Margaret Vestal
Maria Andrade
Maria Castrejon
Maria Espinoza
Maria Galvan
Maria Rodriguez
Maria Rodriguez
Maria Sizemore
Maria Terry
Marilyn De Board
Marisol Aceves
Marisol Jimenez
Marissa Ramirez
Mark Martin
Mark Pena
Mark Pena
Marsha Miller
Mary Rodriguez
Maryanne Brown
Matt Wasman
Matthew Kitchell
Matthew Kitchell
Mauricio Garcia
Melissa Lopez
Merlinda Dolan
Michael Hansen
Michael Vasquez Garcia
Michelle Johnson
Michelle Quintana
Mike Trimble
Milagros Martinez
Misty Pointer
Misty Triggs
Mona Kaur
Monica Saini
Nallely Ramirez
Namneet Kaur
Nancy Gonzalez
Nancy Parkerson
Nichelle Jones
Nicholas R
Nola Kent-Moore
Nou Yu
Oliver Johnson
Pai Vang
Paige Hensley
Pamela Keenan
Pao Vang
Patricia Dickens
Patricia Lampkin
Paul Eichenberger
Paul Wheeler
Paulina Del Toro
Pete Marshall
Peter Cha
Peter Kitchell
Peter Kitchell
Pheng Yang
Phil Manacop
Prabhjot Kaur
Preston Porcayo
Quintero Elizabeth
Rachel Volmer
Rajinder Paul
Rajvir Sahota
Ramiro Ornelas
Rashpreet Kaur
Rebecca Atkinson
Rebecca Foster
Rhonda Rapp
Rhonda Wyatt
Ricardo Lopez
Ricardo Mendoza
Ricardo Revera
Rick Ward
Rickie Ohnsat
Rigo Rodriguez
Robert Koopman
Robert Ledford
Roger Forget
Roger Inglerock
Ron Wroten
Ronald Bloom
Ronald Ford Sr
Ronnie Evans
Rosa Isela Flores
Roxane Goodman
Ryan Enjady
Samantha Delaney
Sammy Chavez
Sandeep Rehal
Sandy Poulson
Santos Sanchez
Sarah Bauman
Sarah Sitton
Satnam Bhangu
Scott Stevenson
Shawn Dent
Sheila Powell
Shelley Gulling
Shelley Young
Shelli Stinson
Shelly Gage
Sherri Patrick
Shirley Carroll
Silvia Bautista
Siya Kaur
Skylee Godfrey
Small Priscilla
Sonia Gimenez
Sonja Stuckey-Ford
Stephanie Arroyo
Stephanie Futch
Stephanie Rivas
Stephen Grubbs
Steven Young
Suzanne Sonnier
T Henry
Tammy Clark
Tanya Hansen
Tasha Wentworth
Teresa Burton
Teresa Wilson
Thomas Kitchell
Timothy Daniels
Tina Bond
Toni Anders
Toni Vargas
Trinidad Ad
Va Lo
Valerie Sutton
Valerie Sutton
Vanessa Estrada
Vang Pena
Vera Lopez
Victoria Roberts
Victoria Villa
Virdell Serrano
Wilfredo Quintero
Yesenia Sawyer
Yuvraj Singh
Zeven Lowe
Zuelika Garcia
Hey Andy? Questions & Answers
How are you making Yuba County better?
Since I’ve taken office, we trimmed all departments, and maintained a balanced budget every single year. I’m proud to report you are now protected by one of the best levee systems in the entire country. We’ve completed a record number of road repairs, and North Beale Road now has curbs, gutters and sidewalks. To encourage jobs, we’ve created the “Yes to Yuba” campaign and streamlined the building permit process.
If elected to this position what would be your first priority? Why?
My top priority is public safety. Our state is in crisis, releasing thousands of criminals onto our streets and vagrants are out of control. We need to make sure we have enough officers to protect lives and property. Through our local Measure K funds, by the end of this year, we will have already put $11 million towards public safety and fire.
What is your position on Measure K and why?
Public safety is my top priority. I value our former Sheriff Steve Durfor and our current Sheriff Wendell Anderson. Both gentlemen asked the Board to put the Measure K revenue measure on the ballot so that the people of Yuba County could decide if they wanted to put more money towards law enforcement, public protection and fire departments. The people decided and now it is my job as the Supervisor to spend that money on exactly what the people wanted it to go to. As long as I am on the Board I will fight to ensure Measure K funds are used the way the people want.
What is the biggest challenge facing Yuba County and how do you plan to address or fix it?
I believe our biggest challenge, and government’s top priority, is public safety. California has failed its residents and our state is in now in a public safety crisis, releasing thousands of criminals onto our streets and vagrants are out of control.
I have fought to ensure Yuba County has enough officers to protect lives and property. Through our local Measure K funds, by the end of this year, we will have already put $11 million towards public safety and fire. The Yuba County Sheriff’s Department is now a place officers want to be long-term.
How will your continued presence on the board help the residents of Yuba County?
Measure K did not pass easily or by a wide majority in Yuba County. The voters were concerned that a general tax would not be spent the way they wanted it spent --- on law enforcement and fire protection. I have fought to ensure the Measure K sales tax funds are going to what was promised, and my continued presence on the board will ensure they continue to be spent the way the taxpayer wants.
We do have new members on the Board post Measure K, they were not here and did not make promises to the people, it’s imperative we keep board members elected that keep their promises.
How has your past experience prepared you for a role as supervisor?
I’m a Vietnam Veteran, former Reserve Yuba County Sheriff Deputy, and a small business owner for over 40 years.
Since taking office, we trimmed all departments, and maintained a balanced budget every single year.
I’m proud to report you are now protected by one of the best levee systems in the entire country. We’ve completed a record number of road repairs, and North Beale Road now has curbs, gutters and sidewalks. To encourage jobs, we’ve created the “Yes to Yuba” campaign and streamlined the building permit process.
I truly love our Linda and Edgewater communities! I’ve organized many community clean-up days, removed 500 tons of garbage and returned hundreds of shopping carts to local stores.
All of my experience, from the military to law enforcement; from the private sector to being your public sector representative; have all prepared me to continue creating success for Yuba County residents as your Supervisor.
What factors do you consider in your decisions as a supervisor?
Einstein said, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” I inherited many issues when elected, including a growing unfunded pension liability, a broken public safety system and increased costs at every level. I have looked for creative strategies to tackle every issue.
Every decision made has consequences. I weigh many things before voting, including the effect on your personal rights and freedoms, the cost, the effect on public safety, the effect on your quality of life, and ability to follow through and successfully complete the project.
What one thing should residents know about you before making a decision on who to vote for?
I have been honored to serve as your Supervisor and honored to have the ability to create programs in our community to celebrate our youth, honor our Hmong and Chinese communities, support our law enforcement and respect our veterans.
Before I was elected, while I’ve been elected, and long after I’ve left office, I will continue to dedicate my time to celebrating Yuba County’s accomplishments and working to solve our toughest problems. I’d be honored to have your vote again for Yuba County Supervisor. Thank you